Squeaky Doom
Title: Squeaky Doom
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Series: Bunnicula (TV series)
Season 1, Episode 8
Producers: Jessica Bortuski, Maxwell Atoms, James Howe, Tony Salama
Developed by: Jessica Borutski
Release date: 6 February 2016
Production company: Warner Bros. Animation
Country: USA
Characters: Bunnicula, Chester, Harold, Mina
Setting: New Orleans
The evil spirit of an evil Viking warrior escapes the toy doll in which he was trapped and seeks revenge on Bunnicula.
Personal view:
Transylvanian amulet that keeps the spirit of Sven the destroyer (a Viking) trapped inside a doll à Romanians are mythic people; they use magic a lot.
The vampire;
The oriental;
Bad person turned good;