Muddy Harry
Title: Muddy Harry
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Series: Bunnicula (TV series)
Season 1, Episode 5
Producers: Jessica Bortuski, Maxwell Atoms, James Howe, Tony Salama
Developed by: Jessica Borutski
Release date: 6 February 2016
Production company: Warner Bros. Animation
Country: USA
Characters: Bunnicula, Chester, Harold, Mina
Setting: New Orleans
Mina’s pets, Bunnicula, Chester, and Harold time travel 30 minutes in the past through a mirror multiple times, which results in an invasion of clones.
Personal view:
At the end: Dracula and Bunnicula order pizza in Romania, sometime in the past, and Dracula forgets to mention that he wants the pizza without garlic. When the pizza arrives and they realize it has garlic in it, Bunnicula time travel 30 minutes in the past in order to remind his master about the garlic.
The vampire;
Time travel;
Clone invasion;
Behind the mask.