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Romanian Characters in American TV Series: Katya in Seinfeld S06E06


Genre: Sitcom

Episode: Season 6, Episode 6

Directed by: Andy Ackerman

Written by: Alec Berg & Jeff Schaffer

Original Air Date: November 3, 1994


Character: Katya the gymnast

While, as per the usual style of Seinfeld, there are other plot lines in this episode, for my purposes, I will only outline the one concerning Katya, Jerry's conquest for the episode. Katya is a Romanian former gymnast who allegedly won a silver medal in the 1984 Olympics. Kramer encourages Jerry to have sex with, assuming that she is very flexible. However, Jerry is reluctant to pursue a relationship with her because he feels that they share no common ground due to the fact that she is from Romania.

JERRY: She's Romanian. What am I gonna talk to her about, Ceausescu?

KRAMER: Ch- oo-... what?

Kramer convinces Jerry to have sex with Katya by showing him a tape of her Olympic performance, but the experience is underwhelming because "there was nothing gymnastic about it". Katya is also disappointed with their sexual encounter, and voices this disappointment in the end of the episode.

KATYA: He'll be all right. I must go and be with Misha now. I don't want you to come with me.

JERRY: Oh, why not?

KATYA: It has been three days since our night together. Misha said that was all the time I needed to put in.

JERRY: Really?

KATYA: In my country, they speak of a man so virile, so potent, that to spend a night with such a man is to enter a world of such sensual delights most women dare not dream of. This man is known as the "Comedian". You may tell jokes, Mr. Jerry Seinfeld, but you are no Comedian. (walks off)

Personal Opinion

While Seinfeld is one of my favorite sitcoms ever, I would be lying if I didn't admit that the way Katya was portrayed in this particular episode offended me to some extent. However, I do acknowledge the fact that this potrayal fits into the general style of comedy the show is approaching, which is meant to emphasize how frivolous and ignorant the characters are in their relationships to others and to the world in general. Also, poking fun at just about everything is also characteristical of Seinfeld. However, due to the show's popularity, its perpetuation of negative stereotypes is also problematic, as I have considered it to be in this case.

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