9GAG Posts: Evolution in Romania
Image Source: https://9gag.com/gag/a9YWGx1?ref=ios.s.others
Image Description
The image that you can view by accessing the link above shows a parallel between how people approach the issue of agriculture in Germany vs. Romania. In Germany, there is a machine that is spraying the neatly planted crops, while in Romania, a priest and some people carrying icons and crosses are praying together in a field.
Image Analysis
This image puts forth two main tropes about Romania. The first one is the fact that Romanians are backwards and uncivilized. They don't have access to technology, thus having to rely on primitive ways on ensuring that their crops will grow. The second trope that I would like to point out relates to Romanians' beliefs and the idea that they allow faith to dictate a lot of the decisions they make. The importance of religion is clearly underlined in this image, as the people call a priest to pray with them in the field in order to ensure rich and healthy crops. The idea here is that, having no other (more advanced) way of approaching agriculture, Romanians go back to more primitive rituals rooted in religious beliefs.
Here, I think it would be useful to also point out some of the comments on this image, such as "They probably cant [sic] afford such things as the germans [sic]. And thus they resort to religion" or "What's the deal? Some like to level up on technology and some on magic."
As we can see, one of the main beliefs circulating on websites such as 9GAG about Romanians is that they're poor, thus being unable to afford technology that would allow them to cultivate the land like "civilized" countries, and instead relying on religion, or as other people might think of it, "magic", to help them with their daily activities. This only furthers the idea that Romania is a primitive land, a country stuck in the past, where people's only help are their religious beliefs.