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3rd Rock from the Sun

Synopsis: The “3rd Rock from the Sun” is a sitcom from the late ‘90s in which four extraterrestrials come to Earth – a seemingly important planet in the Universe – and pretend to be a regular, earthling, family, the Solomons, in order to observe the humans in their own habitat and learn from them. They go to the U.S.A, in Ohio, living in a fictional city named Rutherford.

They rent the top floor of a house belonging to Mrs. Dubcek.

They try to integrate perfectly in society and attempt to understand perfectly the human race – something which rarely occurs, it appearing to be due to their incapacity to grasp human values. Yet, the underlying message is that humanity, or at least that part of humanity where they went, is so messed up that there is really no getting it.

My opinion: Regarding the aliens’ landlady, Mrs. Dubcek, in the episode “Dick Like Me”, she describes her ethnicity as "a little Czech, a little Romanian; I'm your basic Slavic mutt", which goes to show in the first place the eternal confusion and categorization of Romanians as Slavs, moreover that Slavs are seen as such people that can be labeled “dogs”. Mrs. Dubcek is presented as a woman that likes drinking, smokes all the time and has very shabby (sexual) morals – she herself mentions several times throughout the series of how in her younger years she has been an extremely loose woman.

Although Mrs. Dubcek is currently unmarried, she often makes references to several former husbands.

She has one daughter, Vicki, yet another sluttish female figure, always drinking and smoking, as well as extremely promiscuous. In fact, both mother and daughter appear to be something of nymphomaniacs, always searching for male company.

Mrs. Dubcek has an unnamed sun, from whom she has an illegitimate granddaughter, named Melanie.

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