The Munsters
Synopsis: The Munsters is a ‘60s sitcom that aims to satirize the traditional movies with monsters as also the traditional American...
Coronation Street: Romanian Holiday
Synopsis: “Coronation Street: Romanian Holiday” is a 2009 film as part of the popular British soap opera “Coronation Street”. The main...
The Big Bang Theory
Synopsis: The sitcom “The Big Bang Theory”, which started airing on CBS on September 24, 2007, presents the lives of four geek men living...
3rd Rock from the Sun
Synopsis: The “3rd Rock from the Sun” is a sitcom from the late ‘90s in which four extraterrestrials come to Earth – a seemingly...
The Thomas Crown Affair
Synopsis: “The Thomas Crown Affair” is a 1999 American heist film. The story is that at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York there...