The Big Bang Theory
Synopsis: The sitcom “The Big Bang Theory”, which started airing on CBS on September 24, 2007, presents the lives of four geek men living in California, and three girls: Penny, a rather easy-going street-wise waitress, Amy, an extremely nerdy neuroscientist, and Bernadette, who is both a nerdy microbiologist and part-time waitress.
The aim of the sitcom is to depict the life of people dedicated to the exact sciences, encyclopedia types of personalities, commonly known as “geeks” – by comparison to average persons, contrasting the “common sense” of regular people with the intelligence but also awkwardness of scientist.
Throughout the series, the characters – the geeks – attempt to cut through the maze of the cold realm of science and make of it a more accessible and comprehensible domain, that can integrate itself into the every-day reality of the commoners.
Such attempts are usually funny. When Sheldon Lee Cooper, PhD., Sc.D., tries to make science more accessible or tries to put order into a chaotic world, things become hilarious due to his robotic way of being, though the facts are not untrue.
My opinion: Sheldon makes a mini-series for the internet, concerning vexillology - "Fun with Flags". In one of the episodes he attempts to explain why the Romanian flag and that of The Republic of Moldova are so similar. Unfortunately there is no scientific explanation to be given for such a situation (which is stressed many times in the series, talking about other flags that look alike) – and Sheldon gives a subjective explanation, stating that it was Moldova's fault that Romania and Moldova did not unite after the break of the Soviet Union. And his explanation comes in a metaphorical manner:
"Let's talk about the time Moldova made Romania a birthday cake, and Romania said it tasted good even though it didn't, and yet Romania got dumped. I'll pause here while you mull that one over."